Dharane Kalo
Bangur (धराने कालो बङ्गुर)
Krishi Patrika (RSP)
Dharane Kalo
“Dharane Kalo Bangur(Black Hog of
Dharan)” is quite popular among the pork consumers. During the recent visit
ofDharan explored the production practices and
interviewed with key persons rearing the animal. Most of the
poorer/middle class family rear few heads in their backyard using indigenous
technology; keeping the animal in a local wooden barn and feeding kitchen/hotel
leftover. The pigs are dark black colour, dropping ears and wrinkled skin
especially in mouth and belly. It has short legs, big belly and big head. The
female are very prolific but the growth rate is slow and bit fatty. The breeds
seems the crosses of Chinese Meishan crosses, needs to be detailed study.
धराने कालो बङ्गुर
हालै धरान घुम्नेक्रममा धराने कालो बङ्गुरबारे केही जानकारी सङ्कलन गरियो । धरानका प्रायः धेरैजसो विपन्न तथामध्यमवर्गिय परिवारले एकदुई वटा कालो बङ्गुर पालिआएका छन् । यस जातका बङ्गुरको लामलामो कान तथा मुजैमुजा परेको छाला र शरीरको रङ्ग कालो हुन्छ । छोटा खुट्टा, ठूलो भुँडी, तथा टाउको ठूलो भएको बङ्गुर हो । पोथीले एकपटकमा धेरै सङ्ख्यामा पाठापाठी जन्माउन सक्छन् । यिनीहरूको शारीरिक तौल १५० किलोको हुन्छ । केही ढिलो बढने तथा मासुमा बोसोको प्रतिशत केही बढी मात्रामा पाइन्छ । यो धरानै कालो बङ्गुर कुनै खासरैथाने जात नभई चीनको मैसान जातको क्रस जस्तोदेखिन्छ ।
2013 Feb 3